Hello, my name is Gabby Loo.
I'm a multidisciplinary artist, big dreamer and DJ from Whadjuk Noongar boodjar. I was born and raised in Boorloo in the 1990's. I come from a Shan, Hakka and Burmese migrant family. I enjoy creating art that mashes up and remixes cultural memory, personal and relational. I am most interested in using poetic language and potent symbolism to home my feelings, the feelings of my queer Asian migrant heart. Corny, I know, but I cannot find a better way to express this sentiment! In the recent years of my creative practice I have made installations exploring camp retro-futurism, histories of Asian-Australian resilience and solidarity. I have exhibited at DADAA Fremantle and the State Library of WA. My favourite mediums include drawing, painting, writing, beading, collage and photography.
Alongside my creative practice I am an art technician, workshop facilitator, library officer, dog sitter, and DJ ✪ I am indeed available for work in 2025, you may contact me at gabbylooworks@gmail.com